The London Naturalist. The Journal of the London Natural History Society. 1927. London, 1928. 3s. T H I S issue contains, as is usual in the yearly reports of this active Society, a good deal of work on birds in and around London. Mr. A. Holte Macpherson contributes an informative article on London Reservoirs and the influence they have on bird life, an influence which is especially remarkable in a district so increasingly congested with human beings and their buildings. Indeed, the reservoirs and other sheets of water afford the happiest and most profitable hunting grounds for the bird watcher who is tied to London, for, as Mr. Macpherson says, he can be sure of seeing some interesting birds on a short Saturday afternoon and always has the chance of encountering some rarity. In the " Report " for 1927 we note t h a t the total number of species of birds recorded for the Society's district (within 20 miles of St. Paul's) has been brought up to 186. The additions during 1927 were Knot, Curlew-Sandpiper and Oystercatcher (see Brit. B., X X L , p p . 129 and 205) and Wood-Sandpiper (Tringa glareola) which was seen a t t h e Staines Reservoir on August 17th and 18th. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich XII., Part in., Dec. 1927. Naturalists' Society, Vol.IN this part there are several reports and papers of interest to ornithologists. Mr. A. H. Patterson has some interesting notes, which include details of his
Issue 4

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