The broad details of the XIV International Ornithological Congress were announced earlier this year (Brit. Birds, 58: 156-157). Preparations for it and the preceding week's cruise round Scottish bird-islands from 16th to 22nd July are now well advanced. Bookings for the cruise have been very satisfactory, but some places are still available and the organisers can promise unusual opportunities for sea-bird study. After an official opening of the Congress itself in the Sheldonian Theatre on the evening of Sunday 24th July, there will be five plenary sessions in the mornings of the following week, at which a number of prominent research workers will report on recent advances in the fields of Ecology, Vocal Communication, Orienta tion, Systematics and Reproductive Physiology. Five afternoons will be devoted to sectional sessions. . Various excursions will be organised on Wednesday 27th July. Throughout the Congress, members will be welcome in Rhodes House which will be available as a 'social centre'. The Congress will end with a traditional Garden Party in Trinity College. The organisers will do their utmost to ensure prompt publication of the Proceedings. It is hoped to have the Volume of Abstracts available at the opening of the Congress, and to publish the full text of the papers read by invitation at the Plenary Sessions in a volume of Proceedings, to appear as soon as possible after the Congress. To help with the above and because the time is approaching for definite con firmation of provisional bookings with colleges, lecture halls and
Issue 12

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