ABSTRACT Differences between Pintail Snipe Gallinago stenura and Swinhoe's Snipe G. megala have been overstated in past literature. Data gained from birds trapped for ringing in Hong Kong indicate that body weight and wing, tail and bill lengths overlap considerably, making these characters of limited use in separation of the two species. Furthermore, both species share almost identical plumage patterns with no consistent differences. Positive identification relies upon the number of rectrices in the tail, and individual tail-feather shape. Field identification using supposedly established characters has oversimplified the extreme difficulties which observers face. Separation of the two species based on size and structure, even if both are together for direct comparison, is not possible in most cases, unless the diagnostic shape of the outer tail feathers is visible.Vocal differences suggest that the flight calls may be species-specific but further research is required to establish this.ithin the Palearctic region, identification of snipes Gallinago is notoriously difficult due to the complexities of their cryptic plumage, variable structure and typically skulking behaviour. When undisturbed, snipes feed regularly in open situations, but a single bird standing in the open often defies specific identification or, more likely, is not studied in detail. Most, however, remain hidden within dense vegetation and observers are usually unaware of their presence until accidentally disturbed. Being cryptically plumaged and invisible to the observer before taking flight, a typical encounter often catches an observer unawares, as one or more birds take flight at close range and disappear rapidly into the distance,