ABSTRACT A juvenile Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus was present at Kilrenny Common, Fife, from 29th October to 14th November 2004.This constitutes the first record for Britain.The possible origin of the bird and the weather patterns immediately preceding its arrival are discussed.he dream of finding a major rarity or a national `first' touches the mind of most birders at sometime during their life. At around 11.00 hrs on 29th October 2004, TG discovered an unfamiliar shrike at Kilrenny Common, Fife. Like so many of us, TG patrols his local patch regularly, and in the past has found a handful of scarce migrants and rarities. Familiar with Great Grey Lanius excubitor, Redbacked L. collurio and Isabelline Shrikes L. isabellinus, he knew when faced with this unfamiliar shrike that he had something good, the worst-case scenario being a new bird for Fife! The following morning, MO, AWL, TG and Willie Irvine were waiting expectantly on the Common just after dawn. To their relief, the bird was relocated around 09.00 hrs and they tentatively identified it as a juvenile Woodchat Shrike L. senator, although doubts were expressed that the bird did not look quite right. They put the news out as a Woodchat Shrike and by 10.00 hrs Ken Shaw (KDS) arrived. Looking at the bird through AWL's telescope, he immediately posed the question `OK, why isn't it a Masked?' Over the next couple of hours KDS, AWL and MO, with the help of John S. Nadin, Willie McBay, Gerry Owens, Willie Irvine, Jeremy