Adult Mediterranean Gull JLarus melanocephalus, Hampshire, spring 1969: ringed as a chick in East Germany in 1966, it reared young with a female Blackheaded L. ridibundus at Needs Oar Point two years later and came back briefly in ii)6c)(Brit.Birds, 65:67-79).Below,immature Sabine's Gull L.sabini, Hampshire, September 1970: note grey-brown upperparts edged with pale grey (photos: G.H. Fisher)Plate IIa In a previous paper (Brit. Birds, 63: 67-69) I described the breeding of Mediterranean Gulls Larus melanocephalus in Hampshire in 1968 and 1969. In 1968 a pair of adults raised two chicks, a second-summer male paired with a Black-headed Gull L. ridibundus to raise three hybrid young, and another adult nested unsuccessfully with a hybrid Mediterranean x Black-headed (see also Brit. Birds, 63: 380-382). The following year saw the hybrid nesting unsuccessfully again, this time with a Black-headed Gull, and three male Mediterranean Gulls held territories but failed to find mates. All this activity occurred on Gull Island off Needs Oar Point at the mouth of the Beaulieu River (see fig. 1 in Brit. Birds, 65:169), the island being the centre of one of the largest Black-headed Gull colonies in Britain. In 1970 at least five Mediterranean Gulls were present in the colony and the true number was almost certainly greater. A second-summer male held territory throughout the summer at the site where a pair had raised two young in 1968, but failed to attract a mate (the coincidence of age and site strongly suggest that this was one of the chicks
Mediterranean Gulls in Hampshire in 1970-71
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