Bird flu outbreak continues to spread
The current outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is becoming increasingly far-reaching, with new cases confirmed in North-east Scotland and Dumfries & Galloway ( However, despite these new cases, NatureScot says it is receiving fewer reports of dead birds than earlier in the year.In a statement, NatureScot said: ‘We are continuing to see dead birds, particularly Kittiwakes [Rissa tridactyla], Common Guillemots [Uria aalge] and Herring Gulls [Larus argentatus], reported on [Scotland’s] east-coast shores, although we have been receiving fewer reports since the final week of July. However, we are now also seeing small numbers of seabirds affected in other parts of Scotland. Avian influenza has also been detected in the Northern Isles, with two Arctic Terns [Sterna paradisaea] testing positive in Shetland, but there are no reports of a widespread effect of avian flu on seabirds at this time in Shetland or Orkney. Overall, there are now positive avian-flu test results from regions including North-east Scotland, the Highlands, East Lothian, Fife, Angus and Argyll. NatureScot and partners are continuing surveillance at key seabird sites and collecting samples for testing. Testing updates are posted by the Animal and Plant Health Agency.’