Obituaries: Matthew Fontaine Maury Meiklejohn, MA (1913-1974), Ludwig Koch, MBE (1881-1974)

Obituaries: Matthew Fontaine Maury Meiklejohn, MA (1913-1974), Ludwig Koch, MBE (1881-1974)

Plate 6> Professor M. F. M. Meiklejohn died in a Glasgow hospital on 14th May 1974, after a short illness. Maury Meiklejohn was of Scottish parentage and ancestry, from a scholastic family noted for intellec tual ability. His grandfather, J. M. D. Meiklejohn, was professor of education at St Andrew's University and author of a number of school textbooks; he founded the publishing firm of Meiklejohn & Son in order to have his textbooks published on more favourable terms than he could otherwise obtain. Professor J. M. D. Meiklejohn was a great friend of Matthew Fontaine Maury, the American Naval oceanographer: a son (Maury Meiklejohn's uncle) was called after him and from him Maury inherited his Christian names. (Inciden tally, the family was not related to Colonel R. F. Meiklejohn, the noted ornithologist and collector, whose widow Maury knew.) Arnold Hilary Meiklejohn, the 'Son' of Meiklejohn & Son, came to London in 1904 to run the family business, but moved to Harpenden in 1907 as it was in those days a very pleasant rural village with a good train service to London. Here the family was born. A. H. Meiklejohn was a good ornithologist and an eggcollector at a time when this was a reasonable pastime. He was an occasional contributor to British Birds and made excursions as far afield as Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland, where, according to Maury, he pinched the Red-throated Diver's eggs on Handa but failed to go down the cliffs to get Guillemots' eggs because the

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