Obituary: John Arthington Walpole-Bond (1878-1958)

Obituary: John Arthington Walpole-Bond (1878-1958)

O N 13TH JANUARY 1958, John Walpole-Bond died at his home in Hove, Sussex, in his 80th year. Educated at Winchester and St. J o h n ' s College, Oxford, Jock Bond, a s h e was known to his many friends, was a descendant of Prime Minister Walpole and was the son of a former Vicar of Horsham. Birds, and particularly their breeding habits, were throughout his long life his one abiding passion. In his later years scarcely a day passed but someone would write to him or ring him up to draw from his vast fund' of knowledge, acquired by a life-time of close and intimate study of birds in the field. H e claimed to have seen in situ the eggs of every regular breeding bird on the British list and, as an oologist, h e had at one time a very comprehensive collection. T h e earlier years of his life were spent in Kent, and he wrote a book on The Birds of Bromley (Kent) and its Neighbourhood (1901). Later he moved to W a l e s where he spent what he considered the happiest years of his life. Bird Life in Wild Wales (1904) w a s t h e result of his sojourn in the Principality, and FieldStudies of Some Rarer British Birds {1914) was also mainly a product of this period. But the greater part of his life was spent in Sussex; and it was from his home in Hove

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