Rarities Committee news and announcements

Rarities Committee news and announcements

ommittee membership is listed on the inside front cover each month, and on the back of the title page. In the absence of further nominations {Brit. Birds 85: 330-333), Andy Stoddart started his term of membership on 1st April 1993, replacing John Marchant, who retired as the longest-serving member on 31st March 1993. John served on the Committee for nearly eight years and his identification expertise with all species-groups, particularly waders, his experience in all matters relating to ringing, and his instructive and balanced comments on records, which have been features of his work, will be missed by the other members of the Committee. The following points of interest arise from the Committee's annual meeting, held at Blunham, Bedfordshire, on 3rd April 1993. Consideration of straightforward r e c o r d s Even well-documented rare-bird records sometimes fail to appear in the relevant year's 'Report on rare birds in Great Britain'. Late submission is outside the Committee's power to remedy, other than by encouragement. The Committee will, however, be taking positive steps to improve its own performance in terms of speed of assessment. This will involve records which, in the opinion of the Hon. Secretary, concern a comparatively easy-to-identify species or subspecies, and which appear to be thoroughly documented and are free from controversy, especially those which are accompanied by clearly identifiable photographs and/or a statement of support from the appropriate county or regional recorder. Such records will be considered by a new 'fast-track' system. For these records only,

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