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Recent reports

This summary of unchecked reports covers mid December 2004 to mid January 2005. Bean Goose Anser fabalis Widespread influx of `Tundra Bean Geese' A. f. rossicus during December, with largest flocks including 96 Methwold Fens, 80 Oxley Marshes, 55 Shingle Street and 47 North Warren (all Suffolk, perhaps with some duplication); 60 Fodder Fen (Cambridgeshire), 60 Walland Marsh (Kent), 30 Hickling Broad (Norfolk), 27 Hayling Island (Hampshire), 21 Greylake (Somerset) and 17 Whitemoor Haye (Staffordshire). Many other, smaller flocks, particularly in the southern and midland counties of England. American Wigeon Anas americana Loch Linnhe (Highland), 4th-11th January; Hayle Estuary (Cornwall), long-stayer to 10th January at least; Loch of Hillwell (Shetland), long-stayer to 9th January at least. Black Duck Anas rubripes Keele Lough (Co. Mayo), 3rd January; New Pitsligo (Northeast Scotland), long-stayer to 10th Januar y; Scilly, two long-stayers, various islands, male to 29th December, female to 10th January at least. Redhead Aythya americana Kenfig Pool (Glamorgan), long-stayer to 26th December. Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca Carsington Water (Derbyshire), 2nd January; Trimley Marshes (Suffolk), 4th-5th January; Brooklees Lake (Staffordshire), 9th-11th January; Elstow (Bedfordshire), long-stayer to 12th January at least. Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis Abberton Reservoir (Essex), long-stayer to 9th January at least; Scotney Gravel-pits (Kent/East Sussex), long-stayer to 11th January at least. King Eider Somateria spectabilis Loch Ryan (Dumfries & Galloway), long-stayer to 3rd January; Titchwell (Norfolk), long-stayer until 1st January; Boddam/Peterhead area (Northeast Scotland), long-stayer to 10th January at least. White-billed Diver Gavia adamsii Bluemull Sound (Shetland), 6th-7th January. Night Heron

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