T h i s s u m m a r y c o v e r s the p e r i o d 15th M a r c h to 18th April 1993 These are unchecked reports, not authenticated records White-billed D i v e r Gavin adamsii Filey Bay (North Yorkshire), 21st-26th March; North Mainland (Shetland), 17th-18th April. Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus White Sands Bay, St David's (Dyfed), 11th April. C a t t l e E g r e t Bubulcus ibis Rutland W a t e r (Leicestershire) area, 3rd to at least 13th April. G r e a t W h i t e E g r e t Egretla alba T h e Fleet Porset), 17th to at least 18th April. White Stork Cicomia ciconia Stodmarsh (Kent), 4th April. B l a c k - w i n g e d Stilt Himantopus himantopus Lady's Island Lake (Co. Wexford), 10th April; three at Cemlyn Bay (Anglesey), 10th to at least 18th April. Killdeer Plover Charadrius vociferus Individual at L o c h of Hillwell, S o u t h M a i n l a n d (Shetland), moved to Quendale (Shetland), 17th-20th March. Briinnich's Guillemot Uria lomvia Musselburgh Lagoons (Lothian), 27 th March. Alpine Swift Apus melba Denaby Ings (South Yorkshire) and Ditchford (Northamptonshire), 21st March; near Wadebridge (Cornwall), 26th March; Durleston Country Park (Dorset), 1st April; Slapton Ley (Devon), 8th April; near Aberystwyth (Dyfed), 9th April. W h i t e '