'Attempted reintroduction of the White-tailed Eagle.--The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is currently attempting to reintroduce this magnificent raptor to one of its former Scottish haunts. Four young White-tailed Eagles Haliaeelus albkilla taken, with the sanction of the Norwegian government, from eyries in northern Norway (where this species is unprotected and much persecuted) were brought duringjune and July to Fair Isle, Shedand.' 'Proposed new bird observatory building for Fair Isle.--Ever since this famous bird observatory was established in 1948, its accommodation has consisted of timber huts .built during the 1939-45 war by the Royal Navy. These huts are now much dilapidated, and uneconomic to maintain; the Fair Isle Observatory Trust has fherefore had to plan for a new observatory building . . . estimated cost of this new building is £36,000.' (Brit. Birds 61: 325, July 1968) At the end of the month (on the nights of 27th/28th July and lst/2nd August), 75 Grasshopper Warblers Locustella namia were killed by flying against die lighthouse on Bardsey Island. Worse was to follow shortly . . . The inclusion of plate 98 in colour has been subsidised by a donation from Carl Zeiss (Oberkochen) Ltd
Twenty-five years ago...
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