In March 1967 (Brit Birds, 60: 141-144) we published a list of the names and addresses of county and regional bird recorders and editors. Since that time, inevitably, there have been- a number of changes and, in particular, considerable developments in the recording systems for Scotland and Wales, and so we are now producing a new list which, again, is as up-to-date as possible. The previous list has proved useful to those collating records for special analyses and needing to write to individual counties. It has also encouraged observers on holiday away from their home areas to send records to the correct places. The periodical publication of a list of this kind is of value to observers, recorders and collators alike and we propose to try to make it an annual event. Several counties are divided into areas for recording purposes, but, so far as possible, the list includes one name only for each county for reasons of space and because we believe it is less confusing; observers who already know the names of area recorders in any county should, however, continue to submit records to them. In Scotland the county system is traditionally modified by 'faunal areas' and it is sometimes difficult for those who do not live in Scotland to understand where one sub-county ends and another begins. Nevertheless, as the new Scottish recording system is partly based on these faunal areas, we have put these where necessary in the Scottish section. Titles of publications are added in
Issue 4

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