Work in progress

Updated: December 2024


  1. This file lists ‘active’ records, plus some of those within on-going reviews
  2. All records are listed as IC (In Circulation), with a couple listed as NSY (Not Submitted Yet). Those are just placeholders for records that have been referenced in other submissions and may refer to the same bird. In previous iterations of the WIP, there have been several errors in verdicts, and so to keep things simple we have decided to treat the WIP as simply a way of saying what records we are currently assessing, rather than risk it being seen as the final judgement on records.
  3. Only the published report in British Birds is the official record. This WIP file is for information on submissions received up to the date on the file. Once a record is published in British Birds Annual Report, which usually comes out in the October edition, it is no longer held on the WIP file. We aim to produce two WIP files per year, one soon after the publication of the annual report and a second in the late winter-early spring period. 

We know that often some records are missing, including high profile ones, but with no written submission then they cannot be in the database. If you are involved in the finding of such records, then please send in a submission.

Filtering and searching

You can easily filter the records to see just a sub-set. For example, to look for a particular species go to the top row, column ‘Name’ and click on the down arrow. Select the species you require and only those will be shown. Further filtering can then take place. For example, to now look for a particular county where that species occurred go to column ‘County’ and click on the down arrow again.

To remove the filter(s) click on the down arrows of the same column(s) and select ‘(All)’.